Ivan Gurung

My name is Ivan Gurung. I am 15 years old. My father’s name is Dev Prasad Gurung and my mother’s name is Isam Gurung. My village name is Singdi.

Here are the few images of our village that you guys will love to see :)

I have hobbies like singing, playing football and other activities like doing workout. I like to and want to do calisthenics workouts.

When I grow up, I want to do works related to computers but I have not completely decided what I want to do in computer field. I want to help my family if it is related to it.

As the world is advancing in technologies, I want to keep up with it. I want to start my own work in Nepal and work together with my friends and wish to be a successful person in my life.

Want to know more about me. Following are the my social media profile links:




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